Brought to you by El Dorado County
Friends of the Library - Pollock Pines

Community Resources
Public Computers when library is open and free WiFi 24/7
Special Presentations on science, nature and more
Early Literacy Play for children Wednesdays at 11 a.m.
eBooks and Audiobooks
EDC HUB Assist program to help connect to county support and services
Seasonal craft sessions for teens and adults, and another hour for children
California State Park Passes (3 week checkouts)
Wi-fi Hot Spots (6 week checkouts)
Printing and Scanning services
Naturalist Backpacks
Seeing is Believing STEAM Kits
Health and Wellness Dementia Kit
Access to Mental Health Kits, Book Club in a Bag Kits, Storytime Kits, DVDs and CD Audiobooks
- Access to digital eBooks or audiobooks through Libby and Palace Project
Access to Link+ - https://eldoradolibrary.org/link (Link+ is a catalog of materials from over 70 participating libraries in California and Nevada)
Diapers, Baby Wipes, Formula (provided though HUBS collaboration - call for availability)
Covid Tests (call for availability)